Dedicated citizens and civic leaders met in 1973 to create an entity that would collaborate with other agencies and organizations to provide lifelong learning for our citizens while utilizing existing physical and human resources and not duplicating other efforts. An interlocal agreement between both local school districts and Warren County Fiscal Court sustains the agency.

Community Education has grown to provide before and after-school programs for about 1,000 students on school days during the academic year and for as many as 300-plus students at all-day programs offered during school breaks.

Enrichment classes for adults cover a variety of subjects including fine arts (art, dance, and music), crafts, cooking, computers, finance, fitness, foreign language, history, recreation, sewing, sports, occasional online classes, and more.

We offer volunteer opportunities and training for adults to go into schools to work with children and to assist with local events. The agency also works very closely with Volunteers in Action to train volunteer managers and to recognize the volunteers within our region.

We are a proud partner of the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce, Kentucky Nonprofit Network, and Vision, a multi-agency council in Warren County.

Visit the Kentucky Community Education Association Facebook page for information on Community Education at the state level. For more on the local school districts, visit the Bowling Green Independent Schools and Warren County Public Schools.

Community Education’s Vendor Policy: Through the individuals we employ and the service providers we engage, we have an impact on the local economy. In our commitment to equity and inclusion, we will work proactively to provide economic opportunities for diverse communities at all levels of our organization. We will apply an equity lens to our search for vendors, prioritizing local businesses as well as those led by individuals representing diverse constituencies when practicable.


Leading our community by enhancing the quality of life.


To foster an inclusive and accessible environment through educational resources, enrichment opportunities, and collaborative partnerships that help both individuals and our diverse community reach their collective potential.